Beastie Boys + Ribbon Necklaces

November 6, 2007

This pair of eskies live in Illinois and got their new necklaces over the weekend! Bruno and Buddy are their names and looking handsome is their game! (ok, I was trying to be creative)

Here are the Beastie Boys in their new attire!!!

This necklace has red, burgundy, and white (or maybe it was offwhite):

This one has bold green, bold blue, moss, and very light blue:

Here is some commentary, as written by Mom Amber, and Buddy and Bruno (aka Beastie Boys)

"This is me, Bruno."

"Not so sure about this positioning."

"Sitting pretty"

Buddy: "See that slipcover? I pulled it off that old ugly couch, after I peed it on it...oh and I also peed on my new Mom's favorite cabinet."

Bruno: "Come on Buddy stay, so we can go play."


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