Sample S

April 13, 2009


I'm still thinking bold pink with light colors for springtime. Since Marcie is a larger dog than Britney, we can definitely go with more colors. In these photos, there is medium thin blue, light green, very light pink and bold pink.

This one is taken without the camera flash:

This one is taken with the camera flash:

What do you think? We could not include the light pink. Do you have other colors in mind? Do you want it bolder colors? Do you want something totally different than Britney's?

April 12, 2009


This is light yellow, light green, and bold pink. I was thinking since Britney is small, she doesn't need too many bright colors to overwhelm her. The bold pink will be eye-catching, but toned down a tad with the light yellow and green. Also, since she is small, maybe using only two colors (bold pink and light green) will be enough. I'd suggest maybe starting work with the 3 colors and if it seems too much for such a small necklace, then I'd just use the pink and green. It's possible pink and gold would work out nicely too, but I suppose I'm thinking more like springtime colors.

I have a brighter yellow and a bolder green, but my suggestion is they would be too bright for her.

For the little pink flower embellishments, I'd start with a sprinkling of them on the necklace. It's possible I wouldn't put the flowers on every single ribbon. If it seems too much for a little necklace, then maybe half of them would get embellishments.

This next photo is against my dog's white-ish fur. I thought it'd give you an idea of what it might look against Britney's fur.

Let me know your thoughts. If you want to see how the bold green or bold yellow would look with the bold pink, let me know. I'll still have to take a picture of the colors for Chan, so I'd have my camera out anyhow.


For Chan, again since Spring is here, I'm thinking similar colors, like maybe orange, green, and yellow. The orange will match well with his gold fur.

If not green and yellow, I personally think orange should still be in the necklace. I'll take some pics of the color combos for you to see. Hm, maybe orange and red with a third color? Or orange and gold... with a third color. But then it wouldn't be a real spring necklace. There are so many options. It's hard to decide (suggest).

Popular colors for boy doggies seem to be the necklaces that are blue. You can see some of the blues here.

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